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The Funeral Service will be at 11?

Funeral service will be at Zion Lutheran Church at 10:?

Clara Gurka Obituary Clara Gurka's passing at the age of 88 on Monday, October 31, 2022 has been publicly announced by Memorial Oaks Chapel in Brenham, TX. A memorial service will be held on December 2, 2023 at Grace Community Fellowship. 1306 West Main St, Brenham, TX 77833 There will be a visitation at Memorial Oaks Chapel on Sunday, July 11 from 4:00 p to 6:00 p and a Celebration of Life at the Antique Rose Emporium to be scheduled later in the fall of 2021. Burial will follow the service at Loewe Cemetery. breaking news in hazleton pa In times of grief, it is important to find closure and remember those who have passed away. Don was born August 26, 1930 to Elmer and Gladys (Rousseau) Peloquin, Kent County, Warwick, R He was b Mark Knipstein Obituary Mark Charles Knipstein, 65, of Brenham passed away on January 4, 2023 at his home Memorial Oaks Chapel, Brenham, TX. Visitation will be from 5:00 p to 7:00 p on Monday, September 30, 2024 at Memorial Oaks Chapel. However, creating a meaningful tribute to honor the life of the deceased can. pelican catch 120 review However, with the help of free obituary samples, you can craft a heartfelt tribute that. They started their family the following year, welcoming 5 girls over the next 5 years. Services will be held at Bethlehem Lutheran Church on Saturday, September 7th, 10:30 a with Visitation to be held at Memorial Oaks Chapel on Friday, September 6th, with family present 5:00-7:00. It typically includes some biographical information about the deceased as wel. 1306 West Main St, Brenham, TX, 77833 1-979-836-4564 | https://wwwcom Neville Raiford Tycer Landua, 63 of Brenham passed away peacefully July 19th, 2024 surrounded by family and friends after a courageous battle with mantle cell lymphoma. university of pennsylvania ms cs He graduated from Blinn and Sam Houston University with a Bachelors and Masters Degree. ….

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